Monday, June 9, 2008

2.0 needs a 613.25

The perspectives on Web 2.0 were a bit expected but nice to read. I see great things for incorporating Web 2.0 into various aspects of librarianship, but only when the focus is very tight and systematic. Some people liken the Internet to a library with all of the pages torn out of the books - assuming that many of those books are completely unauthorized and unreviewed nonfiction - and all of those pages strewn across the carpet (or astroturf, depending on your branch's location). Some of the sites required for our "23 Things" seem to me offshoots of this rambling mess concept, and I think in an effort to better relate to hip 21st-century patrons we are embracing points of entry that go against the integrity and cohesion we pray are central to society's definition of a library.

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